to the girl working at the fairmont center starbucks near my house
i've been listening to a lot of rudy francisco lately,
and i gotta admit,
he got me feeling something.
maybe it's the way
he uses metaphors like magic.
'cause my ears are too slow
to catch the sleight of sound,
and when i listen to him,
i feel like a child all over again,
amazed by imagery i couldn't even see.
he got me wanting to turn
emotion into a poem
that could impress you.
but how can i describe
the way my heart stopped when i saw
you making coffee behind the counter?
how can i write down words
when they couldn't even escape
my own throat?
because the first time i saw you,
someone called your name,
and you smiled.
and i swear
this was the kinda smile
that could stop wars.
it felt like the clouds parted,
the sun rained down,
and the heavens were singing.
it was that beautiful.
and see, i was surprised.
straight up freaking out.
out of all the coffee shops i could've gone to
i stumbled upon you again.
and i know it'd be hella cheese
to call that fate,
so i'll call it dumb luck.
'cause, you had me dumbstruck,
and i actually forgot my order,
so the first thing that came to mind
was that one drink from that one jeff bernat song
about the girl at the coffee shop.
i gotta admit though,
i don't even know what good coffee
is supposed to taste like.
i can't even say i'm a particularly big fan.
but looking at the way you kiss the cup
and seeing your lips stain the rim,
i can't help but wonder what's so great about it.
can't help but wonder why you like it so much.
and i think i get jealous.
of coffee.
but if that could be you and me
on a lazy, rainy sunday morning,
tangled up in wrinkled sheets,
against each other's lips
just to keep each other warm,
i'd turn as sweet as you'd want,
and as strong as you need me to be.
so what i'm saying is,
i think you're pretty cool,
and i think it'd be cool to get to know you.
would you like to go out for coffee sometime?