The girl without a filter
Without the makeup,
without the filters,
the walls I’ve built,
and the mask I hide behind,
there is a girl.
Plain and simple.
Outspoken, stubborn,
quirky and loud.
And proud to be a girl like no other.
An individual with strong beliefs
and a heart too easily broken.
But she learns.
She hurts and she feels so strongly
because she cares.
Just when she feels she’s been broken one too many times,
She learns and she’s new.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes
from those that made her burn.
She is strong.
I am strong.
I am my own and I am proud.
I love deeply and I find beauty
In my greatest flaws.
I shine, even on my darkest days.
The filters, the makeup, the walls, and the mask are not who I am.
I am learning that I don’t need them to feel empowered.
I am strong. I am proud. I am me.