The Girl in the Mirror
They send magazines out every day
Covered with beautiful women, skinny and fair
However they're unreachable, so high up we can barely see them
But yet totally desirable
But what's better than wanting something you can't have?
The headlines read out
But everything I see is a blur
The tears forming in my eyes
Because I can't look like her
They make it seem so easy
Just do this and that
But in reality it took everything I had
It took my confidence, my smile, my life
But then I realized I wanted it back
Those women postered on the covers
They don't even look like that
They're edited and changed to look perfect
Perfect doesn't exist unless it's in an unperfect way
I learned to be flawless in my own sort of way
I realized all I needed was to be happy,
To be happy in my own skin
So I stared in the eyes of the girl
Who was staring back at me in the mirror
I flashed her a smile and took a deep breath
And then I told myself,
"All you have to do is love the girl in the mirror".