The Girl Behind the Curtain
Please pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain.
Of all my great uncertainties, one thing is for certain:
I do not want yor pity or your pleasure at my plight;
For all you'll do is smile as you tell me it's all right.
For you I will pretend that I have everything together,
While really, on the inside, I am floating like a feather -
Searching for a place to land, to find where I belong;
Yet every move I try to make is calculated wrong.
Why does it come so easily to everyone I know?
Why do I see perfection almost everywhere I go?
Expectations swirl around me like a violent hurricane;
I long to tear the veil away and face the beating rain.
Bu I do not want your pity, so my feelings will stay hidden.
I only let them surface when I need to, and they're bidden,
In the comfort of my room, where privacy is certain;
So please don't pay attention to that girl behind the curtain.