Girl from Avalon : Vigil
I am the last knight
In my misery, I stand my vigil
upon this lonely night
Sword in hand and hope in my heart
I stand my eternal defense
against the nightmares that wish to start
Why? Why I stand this bastion
I stand it for her, that Girl from Avalon
With only her word, I took this action
Why I stand here for that lady
I stand here for her love, her affection
Her sweet face, her luminous smile, by gods, she is my malady
I stand afraid, alone, in horror of the dreadful dark
Will she notice my return?
Will she embrace me, and tell me with simple stark
That she loves me? Alone I ponder
Alone I wait and question
Alone the nightmares I face lie asunder
So, Girl of Avalon, whose sweet face I so die for
Wilt thou love this lonely knight?
Who faces the nightmares from time yore
Or will you forget him? His Oath
Though Mighty, can not save this knight from doom
Even in his eternal blissful troth
Lonely Knight, there standing on the wall
Will you accept if she does fly?
Or will you rage, rage and to her call