The Girl
She was a young girl
Without a care in the world
She loved to sing and dance
And she wanted to be happy
She was six when he started
To torment her with his words
She was seven when he started
To torment her with his fists.
She was nine when
The best person she’d ever known
Shattered the world with a bang of a gun
The silence so deafening in her wake
She was ten when she tried to save her sister
From the pain that she endured
While her innocence was taken
By one so close to home
When she stopped eating so much
And eventually didn’t eat at all
When she held a knife to her arm
And found the red
When she knew that words hurt
And the knife could take that away
When she learned that she was alone
She didn’t matter anyway
She was eleven when she
Questioned her own sexuality
Sleeping with her best girl friend
Trying to find herself.
She was twelve when she first
Took a pull from a bottle of whisky
Started dating the boy that hit her too
A fucked up world, indeed.
She was thirteen when she was a mom of four
Up three times a night,
Teaching to read, cooking, cleaning,
Loving like a mother would.
She was fourteen when she tried to die
Three times, twice to sleep forever
And once to stain
The tub in red
When she met someone
Who called her beautiful
And seemed to really mean it
When she fell in love
She was fifteen when she stopped self harm
And let that boy into her life
When she finally accepted who she was
And started to eat again
She is now a young woman
Who misses her childhood
But would take it all again
To make sure no one ever would
And she still battles that eating disorder
All the days of her life
Every time she eats a meal
She celebrates inside
She still fights the urge to cut
It’s strong, to this day.
But still she loves the boy
Who saved her from her fate.