A Girl
I once told a girl that I loved her.
She laughed and shook her head, with a smile on her lips, god
she had a beautiful smile.
“I love you too silly”
These words rolled off from her tongue like honey
I gave a bright smile and hugged her
Holding her body close to mine for the split moment we had.
Was this romance or the platonic love of a friendship?
I'll never be able to find out
But I know that every time I held her hand, i felt so happy
And her big brown eyes were always filled with hope
Along with the sleepless nights where I would listening to her breathing, wanting to hold her close
But I couldn't
Cause we were just friends
Friends that haven't spoken in over seven years
And god damn
I miss her voice
And her slender and small body
I loved her more then she’d end up knowing