One job…changed my life.
Being a cavern tour guide
Must be the best thing
To have happened to me.
I work in caverns,
I stride in total darkness
The drip drip drip of stalactites,
The Caverns’ humidity tousling my hair.
The tiny winged creatures that venture there
Clinging to their roosts,
Following my every move.
This is my first job
Unconventional as it seems.
But from this job I found something
Calling out to me.
As I stand inside these caves,
Surrounded by the fluttering leathery wings,
By the dripping of stalactites,
By the flowing of stony curtains,
I find myself enchanted by
The boundless minerals around me.
I always hear it
Time and time again,
The Earth’s ancient secrets,
The Caverns whisper in my ears,
Secrets of what’s come to pass,
Secrets of what’s yet to come,
Secrets that I yearn to know.
And so shall I leave this place,
But for a mere short while,
As I go to places that will teach me
How to unravel the secrets of Time.
I hope to learn speology
And so I shall study geology.
One job…has changed my life.
And now as I move on,
My next place as a geologist,
An unraveler of the secrets of the Earth…
One Job…may change my life.