Genesis (Part A)
In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.
Genesis 1 is a lengthy poem we collectively have chosen to read as a story.
It's validity is, en masse, inconclusive.
What is the strength of your faith if it cannot withstand scrutiny though?
I wondered when beauty was created.
When did God create the elevated sensation of euphoria
that dawns upon my chest when I look up to the sky
and see a parade of hues that could not exist on this planet?
Explaining why they end where heaven
changes its name to land.
The earth is not worthy.
The rose melts into the peaches
that in turn soften into a yellow mist
that hides behind the horizon.
A performance replicated and rehearsed
and over
and over
again by terrestrials but
we are not God.
Beauty was created on the second day.