To Gain the Name of the Answered
To know, or not to know: that is the question;
Whether it is better to the heart to suffer
Within the barred walls of a cage of the unknown,
Or to beat against these constrictions
And by forming a question break them.
To ignore, to forget
All troubles: and by the forgotten is to say we end
The excruciating wondering and the million imperfect
That the mind is subject to,-‘t is a perfect situation
Desperately to be desired.
To ignore, to forget,
To forget! perhaps to repeat, ay, there’s the
For in that forgetfulness what mistakes may
When we have wrapped ourselves within denial,
Must give us pause: there’s the fact
That makes calamity of so long consciousness;
For who would endure the pains and worries of
the answer,
The unexpected knowledge, the unwanted decision
of another,
The woes of what could be, the confusion,
The lack of understanding and the manipulation
That the too kind in heart from the devious takes,
When she herself might her peace make
With a great distraction?
Who would these burdens bear,
To worry and fight under a ponderous mind,
But that the dread of that something unknown,
The uncover’d knowledge that comes from
A lack of questions, perplexes the mind
And forces us rather bear those anxieties we have
Than to flee from others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does push us forward in our
And thus the constant need for answers,
Is brought to light with the presence of our questions,
And ponderings of great worth and moment
With this regard their current stays true,
And gain the name of the answered.