The Future
Won't it be great when we all wear the goggles of nondiversity
When we can't tell each other apart because we're all the same
A white man, a black woman, and an Asian boy take a boatride
They're joined by a white policeman
Boat reaches shore, 1 is dead
Who did it?
The human.
Well, what color skin did he ha - HUMAN.
Was it a man or a wo - HUMAN.
Were they older or youn - HUMAN.
Did they have a name
Check the DNA - Oh, it was a human.
We've narrowed it down to 7 billion suspects!
A human killed a human and the other humans don't know
which human it was, but a human has to join the other
humans in jail.
The judge'll throw a blindfold on and pick a lucky winner.
A lucky human.