The Function of Memory
How will you do this?
Where is east?
Where is west?
The fist fits in the hand and the four corners touch only here.
the witch's finger, the little chef, the frying pan
What is your strategy? Tell a story. See the shape. Put them in order
It takes prectice - do it again an again and again.
Why does it take so long to remember these
and a moment to memorize
the sick cow lying in the field
the man hitting the dog
the waiting in the dark hospital room
the sickly smell of flowers at the funeral?
I am haunted by the details of
petty arguments over money
humiliating mistakes
words I couldn't take back
cold stares from those I sought to impress
and the worst imaginable pain in my teeth and in my heart.
How long will it take to erase these?
What is the opposite of memorization?
What is the total physical response of forgetting?