Fuck You and Your Emo Tunes
Every time I look at you I feel broken again Whether it's sitting in the car and smoking one Or sitting in your room The tension is a loaded gun Why can't I just pull the trigger Maybe I'll get lucky and die As you sit in your car and tell me About how fucking Brand New makes you cry And Jesus Christ, why can't I be good enough? You won't shut up about how you're no good for her, But why can't I be good enough for you? Why can't I be your savoir? Why can't I make you feel the way you crush my soul And call it love? And now we're in your bed. Gummy bears litter the sheets the same way they fill my mind. It's messy, just like my head. Bill Nye talks about how global warming will kill us all. Good. I want to die. I want to die every single second I look at your face. I'm blinded by my faith. And then I wake up. Maybe it's all just a dream, Except there you are. You're even more perfect asleep and for a split second I'm fine. And then we drive to school. A coffee in your hand and a 32 ounce tea in mine. Finals are today. Just like that, You say goodbye. And now you're just another icon on my Facebook. Just the way it's supposed to be.