Friend or Foe
Pick and Choose.
This or That.
What to do.
Choices, decisions, options.
What can we do? Where can we go? Who shall we be?
How can one decide with so many things to do? Many places to go? Many things to be?
Do we only have one choice? I want to know.
What are my interests? Do my interests decide where I should go?
What am I good at? Do my strengths indicate what I should do?
If where I should go and what I should do coincide, then is that who I shall be?
I have decided.
I have chosen.
It is done!
The path, the way, the right direction.
We can do anything, everything, and all.
We can go anywhere, anywhen, and anyhow.
We can be anyone, anything, and everything.
We have the choice of choices.
I know my interests, but I decided so.
I know my strengths, but I have made them so.
We are so we can be.