Freshman VS. Senior
What is freshmen orientation?
How come it is so early?
I do not feel like going to it,
But somehow, I have to go.
Oh My God, I can’t believe it,
I’m a Link Crew leader*!
I can’t wait to see my freshman,
Wonder if they are going to like me...
What is my Link Crew leader’s name?
I think it starts with a P.
Nevermind about his name,
He is not important anyway.
We finish the first day of orientation,
Holy smoke! One of my freshmen texts me back.
He says, “My friends are jealous of the props, Aivan.”
OMG, that kid knows my name.
I think I have Ms. Martino for English,
Wonder what she is like.
Please! Be a hard teacher,
So I can learn much easier.
Gosh! I have English for zero,
And my teacher is Ms. Dadabhoy.
I hear a lot of rumors,
That is she is very strict.
And my English is very bad,
What if she found out I could not write?
How will I survive through English?
Life is so complicated.
Life oh life, from freshman to senior life has changed,
Like a monarch** I rise from the bottom.
Now here standing the new Aivan,
Bottom-up*** for what is called metamorphosis.
*Link Crew is an organization at my school for leader who want to help incoming freshmen.
**monarch: the monarch butterfly
***bottom-up: Asian say that instead of “cheer”
This is my two voice poem waving back and forth between the freshmen’s experiences and my high school senior’s experiences.