Concrete Ground.
I go I flow Enough 2 Flow And Sew A Dress All White Material I Stole From The Grocery Store They store Everythingin the Basement Under The House Where I Was Born Born In2............... Option, I'm, 2, Scared, 2, Try, Scared, Out, Of, My, Wits, Last, Night, I, Saw, A, Crocodile, Smiling, At, Me, As, My, Chains, Allowed, Me, 2, Look, Squarely, Outta, The, Basement, Window, Where, I've, Been, Chained, For, A, Millennia, Or, Is, It, Millennium? Sometimes, Called, Kiloannum, Or, Kiloyear, (KY), The, Word, Millennium, Derives, From, The, Latin-mille- thousand And annus-year. That's, How, Long, I................ Chained up, Like.............. The Emancipation Proclamation-1863 Declared: "that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious States are,and henceforward, Shall be free." Yet, Still, My, Civil, Liberties, Human, Rights, Are, DE-NI-ED. ©15/08/2021. Wired6.