free·dom (noun )
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wantswithout hindrance or restraint.)(Source: Google)
Freedom is a state of mind.
It is something our souls desire.
In this life nothing is as pure as what sits on the heart.
Our hearts are the gateways to our souls.
As individuals we do not and will never fully understand each other.
Every demon, every battle, every sacrifice ..
They are all different.
The skies are filled with expectation with
absence of satisfaction thick in the air.
We are slaves to our own emotions, insecurities,
addictions, words, obsessions ..
Don't be a slave to that shackle.
Society has degraded and us until we were ready to surrender.
Those who have surrendered are not weak,
but the braver ones rebel and they fight.
Because they are free. WE ARE FREE.
Freedom is a state of mind.
It isn't distributed by anyone but yourself.