Free (Take off the Mask)
If you were to nail September to a door and cut off a college students broke weekends
You'd find me born on September 15th
Believe it or not I wasn't born near Brooklyn brownstone streets
I was born where jazz music met slavery
Louisiana .
I wasn't like the other brown skinned baby girls.
Who's skins looked like sweet caramel
I was pale.
Since then I have never been able to fit in
Hi, My name is Jazmine
To honest their is nothing special about me
I like music and movies
I also like cheese
Horses are my favorite animal
They like to run free
I want to run free
Can we free
Take of this made up mask that we let the world see
I'm not always happy
This smile was constructed by the televisions and magazines
This laugh was created to guard my fragile self esteem
These fist ain’t gon’ do shit
They seem tough, but they’re weak
Truth is what you see is not the real me
Just some media made clone trying to hide her insecurities
So if you'd allowed me to take off this mask
And show you the real Jazz
I'll let you in and together we don't have to fit in
Together in this box
We can run with the horses