I was haunted
Not by a ghost
But by something stronger
A ...paralyzing... fear
THE chains holding me down
THE pain on my chest
THE power I felt
THE life that passed me by
THE fake smiles I gave
THE I'm OK's
Sure I was "alright" on the outside
But on the inside
I was a mess
A turmoil
A turnadoe
A bloody murder scene
I was hanging onto sanity
I was screaming inside
For five years I stayed in that place
While the world around me changed
A young girl to a young woman
All in the blink of an eye
I was a zombie just going through the motions
I had friends but they never knew
I had family but I never told
I had a diary but it was never written
People would ask why I walked in a hurry with my head held low
Or at times my eyes would glisten in unshed tears
Or why i looked so sad
I hid behind a facade,
That was the image of strength
I protected my mind,
Through a maze of diamonds, the hardest rock,
And a hole deep inside
So deep that the light of day wasnt allowed
Night was when it came out to play
Music was my rock
Into my mind I went with a wonderful song
I would sing until the sleep won the battle of the night
And I had survived another night
But then something broke through
My defenses were down
I wasnt prepared
It only came at night
But i was touched
Not with fear, but WITH HOPE
My soul lifted and flew
It was free
I was free
And I cried
And I told
And I still tell
One year ago
I was given the ability to fly
To fly away from the chains
To fly away from the all pressing pain in my chest
To fly away from the life I let pass me by
To fly away from the fake smiles I gave
To fly away from the Ok's
And to fly towards the light