To Whom It May Concern,
Will someone free my father? This isn’t fair!
They won’t free my husband, does anyone care?
I went to see him today and I saw that cold stare
The trauma he’s going through, my heart can’t bear
He shouldn’t have been thrown away
I know that’s what they all say
But this time it’s true
The locked him up, took the key and threw
15 years for a first time offender
He only got those 15 years because his “lawyer” told him to surrender
I told him that he should’ve fought
But they told him that if he did the judge would let him rot
In a cell until he was on his last leg
So he decided that 15 years without his son wouldn’t be that bad
It’s been 10 years, and he’s out on good behavior
It’s been 10 years of nonstop labor
I’ve been working 3 jobs all day everyday
I don’t want to but I have to keep the lights on someway
While I was raising funds, the streets raised my son
I don’t recognize my baby boy anymore
He’s been spending a lot of time out of the house
and now he has all these clothes I can never afford
Big K
Is his name, I believe
Big K took my little baby underneath his wing
I keep on telling my son to leave him alone
He brushes me off and continues to sing the same bad song
My husband came home today and he’s not the same
I think he sees his son and feels ashamed
It’s been 10 weeks that my husband has been home
Each day he goes out to get a job but his hands come back alone
They say they don’t want an ex criminal working for their establishment
I thought employers wanted a passionate worker who is adamant
On creating a better future and having goals
But per usual, my husband was not chose
It’s been 10 months and he still has no place to work
He’s been drinking much more frequently and lacks his usual quirk
I saw him on the phone the other day, talking to his old “friends”
He left out this morning and told me that we were going to have more to spend
10 hours later, my husband was locked up
same judge, same crime
Another victim of this screwed up system
You know what’s funny?
I heard about a woman’s story similar to mine
Her husband got locked up too for almost the same crime
"Same type of drug, just a different “C”
My husband got 15 years and hers only got three
He got let out on good behavior so he only served six months
Six months later, he got a new job
I heard that they are living in California and vacationing in Prague
Two different men
Same crime
Two different races so they served two different times
In case you cared to know, I have beared my truth
If not, please move along like the rest do
Black Women Everywhere