The Freckles on My Cheeks
I've fallen in love with this
R O M A N T I C I Z E D culutre of self-love.
It tells me, "please no one
but yourself.
"Don't care what you look like,
but know what you look like,
and love every inch of your b o d y
that has cracks and brown spots
that remind you of your memories in the sun."
This culture tells me to love every inch of this b o d y
that is not perfect, but perfect for me.
To love every inch of this b o d y
in a superficial way.
For its round hips and full thighs.
Its well worn brown skin
and apple-sized cheeks.
I love this B O D Y,
every inch of its I M P E R F E C T I O N.
I love the intimate freckles under my eyes,
on the tops of my cheeks.
I love the color of my eyes,
the way my lashes caress my cheeks
and kiss the freckles beneath them.
As much as I love this B O D Y,
I love it for what it does,
a self-love deeper than this R O M A N T I C I Z E D version of it.
I love that this B O D Y
lets me move this pencil across this page,
giving words to my thoughts,
giving my words meaning.
I love that this B O D Y
is more than a shell for my spirit,
it is my armour,
my protection
and it is my being.
It is my being made up of
sun kisses and apple cheeks and round hips.
This B O D Y is me and I carry it like my soul.
My B O D Y is not simply me
and I am not simply my B O D Y .
I am a W A R R I O R
and my B O D Y is my armour.
So, R O M A N T I C I Z E that.