" Framed By Your Own Fingers"
Hearing a call for liberty...deeply
Deciding the suffering has lasted enough
Stuffed in a jail cell..completely
Beginning with complementary rigid handcuffs
Confused so, wearing the name tag----> VICTIM
Stabbed with the knife of madness
Goes without saying unlike dictum
How they stole away your gladness
Sadness eventually sets in after anger
Who then invites her best friend, bitter
Creating a full house party of danger
One following the other like Twitter
The guard of pride watches over day and night
Allowing for stewing settlement
No get-a-ways granted; therefore no flight
Uncomfortable to the cliff of feeling "out of your element"
Relevant it is greatly... still
No speck of doubt in your mind
But even more is what you currently feel
Since peace you can not find
Locked away in a strong prison
Forgiveness is key to your release
The weight can be risen
Bringing warmth to your coldness like a fleece
Take off the orange suit
Gently fold & lay it neatly aside
Wash away the kept counts:reboot
Go home light as can be...where in-between self and the world, walls can no longer divide.