The Four Trees
Four trees grew in a clearing
A weeping willow
An oak
A dogwood
And a sapling.
A stranger planted the sapling
And the others did not know what it would become.
A willow
Said the weeping willow haughtily
Just see how its small branches droop.
Sorrowful and pure.
Anything else is impossible.
No, argued the oak.
It’s clearly a strong oak tree.
What you call drooping
Is just the wind blowing it
While it is still too young to stand against it.
What? Strong? Drooping?
Shuddered the dogwood.
Grace is in that sapling.
It will become a dogwood,
Just see how it dances in the breeze.
As the trees argued
The sapling grew
Big and tall.
And a stranger chopped it down
Before the others saw what it had become.
And they argued