The Forgotten Race
I feel my hands
Begin to tremble
As fear rips
Through my heart.
Your eyes made
You seem gentle,
But your words
Tore me apart.
With every phrase that
Escaped your lips
The pain sunk deeper
To the core.
This world isn't ready
For another eclipse
Though we've seen it
All before.
What have we done
To bring up this panic?
Our fear eats away
At our very soul.
Where is the sun
On this satanic planet?
Will we ever regain
Any control?
So many answers
No one can find.
Lost in this cold
And dejected place.
So many questions
And so little time.
To finish this
Long and forgotten race.
I'm tired of running
When I've already lost.
Giving up would be
The smart thing to do.
But I can't stop now,
I must deliver the Cross
Like God has always
Intended me to.
My fight isn't over;
I have to endure.
The finish line's close,
The prize worth the wait.
I will keep running
So I can be sure,
That I've done all I can
To walk in my faith.
The track may be rough.
The road could be rocky.
By doing His will,
You may lose a friend.
Some people are rude
And some will be cocky.
But God will lead you
Through till the end.