We are the generation of forgotten kids. The ones whose voices are silenced by bombs and guns. The kids who hear more hate than love. We are the children whose parents beat us and push us down. The ones who are too afraid to stand up for what they believe in. The kids who are in constant fear of who is watching. We are the kids living in a hell that our parents created. We are the generation of bruised covered kids. We learned that bruises and burns mean love. The ones who are in so much pain they choose death over life. We are the kids who can not see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are the kids whose light has burnt out. The kids who can no longer get out of bed. The kids who have normalized shaking and uncontrollable sobbing behind closed doors. We are the generation of smoke filled lungs and alcohol filled stomachs. The kids who have more scars than friends. The ones who can count the number of people they love on one hand, but can not count the number of hospital bracelets they have on two. We are the generation of the unwanted. We are the generation of forgotten kids because who would want to remember us.