forget it
I am slowly killing myself
with the expectations of others;
people who have more stock in me
then I do in my own dreams and
it hurts to pass a mirror and see
the past still clinging on
in the form of my own shadow.
I do not think that I can
walk any further for all of the doubts
stitched to my legs and
it is hard to aspire to something greater
when my thoughts are always shadowed
by the things I can not control.
If this is depression then it has grown
up with me, coddled me, replaced the hole
my mother left inside the moment she ripped
herself from my life before I even knew
how to say ‘I love you.’ and could not
keep her there with words.
I do not want to be a mother.
I thought that I did but I cannot take
the thought of hurting a child before
they can even understand what pain is
before they know that children were
meant to be raised by two pairs of hands
to catch them when they fall and push them
when they waver and wave them on
when they need encouragement.
The walls around me are crumbling.
The world is crumbling.
I am crumbling and I do not think that
I can put myself back together again.