A big tease
Played by your dishonesty
Merely a getaway
A drink of henessy
A nice feeling
Feelings taking by the constant fronts
Feelings stronger because the knowledge you bring cause me to sink into your deception
See, knowledge has a way of capturing you
Once you're caught, you're easy to control
Be careful, the naive and ignorant ones because challenges will come your way
And if you ain't right with your spirit hope to GOD you'll find a way
I did say you're a big tease
Unpleased by your dishonesty
Preaching about the real
But, forget about your own reality
Quit the fantasy because baby you are far from yourself
Get right honey
Aggravated you say
For what purpose is your aggravation
That makes you lack conversation
Oh wait, there was never any conversation about you
Always had to get deeper to reach you
I don't know you
Nor do you know me
You just know me as what you perceive me to be because your still in tuned with this fucked up world
You're the buffoon to be fucked by this world
Because this world fucks us all
This world is a ho, a whore and it seems to be everyone's go to pleasure and we escape our own treasure within
This world with both sexual orientations
with ovaries and testes and creates the infinity of contagiousness, diseases that seems incurable
A cancer, Aids, HIV
A man-made killer
I said you fooled me
Everyone can be caring
But it does not mean they need to care for you, be there for you and appreciate you
Yes, you care to hold the door
But thats courtesy
Let's be genuine baby
You fooled me
Living your life, wondering why your life ain't right
Questioning, where you went wrong
Live honestly
You went wrong when you lied
You fooled yourself because you're not living honestly
Face reality hunny
I'm not mad you played me and my worldly feelings
But just know it is a check to my experiences
But duces to kiddy shit because it's my closer step to womanhood
Here thinking I can help you
This is where we go wrong
We pay too much attention to others when we have no clear direction of ourselves
Folks get right with you first then give a helping hand
Clear your path first then guide the person
How you going to tell a person directions, when you never been to that particular location?
I said I'm growing
I've learned
I'm simply naive
You played me well
My money is gone too
But, it doesn't matter because I don't live for the american dream
Money won't get me
Nothing but paper that can burn to nothing
Don't you get it
We give money and material it's importance...get right
Yes, necessities to be fulfilled
Yeah, I'll play the game wisely
But, you won't fool me
That dear sir, sure did
Played my video game well like a game of madden,
where he picked and chose what play he wanted play
Oh boy, press the y, x, a, and b control and select me
The x, circle, square, and triangle and neglect me
A choice between x-box or playstation
What life to choose?
Or should I tangle with both
X-box is home though
Just wanted to try out playstation because it is interesting and something different and new
Away from the letters and into the shapes
But x stays the same, if you comprehend with what I am saying
Found out your reality through the knock of your door
I mean your buddy's door
Appalled by the estrogen energy that came before me with bibops all around with cute fun faces....Shoot, they were adorable.
Did I say I was played like a fool?
It's safe to say
Yes, I am a fool
I seen here, my eyes were wide open
When you had your red sexy boxer briefs on in the background
I just needed my keys to my vehicle
My forest gump hero
You are still with her and I am not mad
That's just your reality
But you lied
I can't get that out of my mind
Check this:
Don't print your word to the press that don't address yourself
Oh, you have a reckless self
That you fear the world will see
Well, I seen the misery it can bring
Well, here is my helping hand that got cut off
Because I need my own direction
Selfish you may say
But, turn the lights on and pay attention
To your reflection
THE MAN, Why a man?
Is watching you
Baby get right
Your age does not make you a man nor a woman
Your growth within is what makes you
Just hear me out.