Follow Your Dream
All my life they told me...Diamond, you could be whatever you want to be.
And all my life they've told me, dream with your eyes open, so that you can always see.
That little girl grew up somewhere along that line, and now they want to give me glasses, because they say I'm blind.
They say look at the world from a realistic view, then tell me what you really see, and what you want to do.
I give the same answer I gave in the past...but now all they do is shake their heads, and say I'll never last.
I'll never make it in this world so rough...they want to hold me back, they don't think I'm tough enough.
I say I want to be a director...for movies, though. They ask what college has that? Where are you trying to go?
I tell them my plans, and they shake again...when will you stop dreaming and realize, this isn't pretend?
I say...all my life you told me...Diamond, you can be whatever you want to be. This is the path I choose, this is what's right for me.
Now here I am, only trying to perfect my poetry slam.
I'm speaking about something that is part of my goal is here...I know it's pretty high.
But I'm determined to reach it one of these days, and I know it may take time, but I'll get there somehow some way...because the dream is mine.