Foe or friend
Foe or friend
I chase no more
Of Cesar’s stag1
For such a pain it’s brought
Its bounds have torn
My heart to rags
Such a deceiving hart2
It looks as if its beauty
is only undone to you
Now I just look back and see
All the deceiving you had to do
With it, such trickery
A blinding ruse I could not see
“The wool pulled over my eyes”
No one more blind than me
Now stripped of that - ungodly cloak
I shall hunt again
But now - with more acknowledgment
To know -
If foe, or friend
References –
1.) “Cesar’s stag” a deer that under the rule of Cesar, the ruler of Rome, was kept as a prized possession and was forbidden to be hunted or obtained.
2.) “Hart” a less common name for a male deer.