The Flower That Blooms In Adversity
I’d like to think that I change often
Or, evolve often.
I become a brighter
Version of myself
every day that I am alive
My heart and mind are constantly working
Finding new passions and curiosities
My hands are constantly scribbling
Trying to find the right words when I cannot actively express myself
I have lived through
Worrying where my next meal was going to come from
I have survived
Being the victim of abuse
I have overcome the crushing shame of not living up to unrealistic expectation
And the pain that comes from growing up and realizing
When one has to move on
But I am fire
And I am constantly burning
Blazing the trail and conquering fear of the unknown
My battles are fought with a grin as I grow more confident in my self
With each downfall, I learn determination is the strongest ally of all
And that my tragedies have only helped me learn
I am a loud
Fierce girl
I am an opinionated
Caring individual
Who shows no doubt in myself or what I can do
I am up and down
And sometimes going 90 miles an hour
I am loyal and driven
I will never let myself be brought down or silenced
I have embraced the comfort that comes with change
And also the fear
I have captured and held dear
That sense of optimism
Because that is what keeps me going
My never-failing sense of hope energizes me and keeps me moving on
My wit helps me survive
I try to understand what I can
And focus on learning what I don’t
I am a whirl-wind
A carousal of hair dye, novels, bad reality TV shows, and
A beautiful combination of my parents
My courage moves me
And I will not let myself be defined by bad memories
I define myself
And then I re-define myself
Because I grow each moment that I breathe
I grow, and I bloom.
The greatest flower is the one that blooms in adversity
And I am a lotus,
A phoenix on the rise.