Floating on a Cloud
And so on the shortest longest mediocre awesome day
in which the colors vibrant swirl around myself
The tired that I feel have felt is now
the only thing that's surely sure around
And floating about on a floaty cloud
makes no sound
but the sweet reverberations of old peace in my new ears
And as the floating ensues so does the down
the down it begins
the down
like the inside of a pillow
yet poking at odd intervals
and making sneezes
allergic is the cloud
to the down
and so as cloud with cloud is raining rain and clouds become one cloud the same
the bird flies by and does not say
what is the cause of all this rain
But flies along
and numbness instigates the inkling of a dull beginning to a never end
and the soundtrack of it all
ironically portrays
a daydream waterfall
cascading to the days
and days
and days
and days.
Days of days of days are much too long to never say
So fly away