Fleeing Angels
My Angels fled
As my Demons grew stronger
The slowest was killed
And now I’m all alone
It’s a losing battle
I might as well call it a lost battle
I gave up before the Angels ran
And that was a while ago
I gave up when I lost the feeling of love
Because people forgot to that I needed it too
Nobody remembers the hopeless girl
They don’t want to
It makes them sad
At least they have to be made sad
They don’t have to deal with the constant lack of feeling
The demons are whispering again
I don’t think they ever stop
I just got used to blocking them out
But it’s two AM
And I have no distractions left
Just Me
And the demons on either shoulder
Both agreeing
That what I suspected is true
No Hope
No Love
No Joy
No Fear
Just Pain
I miss my angels
But they’re never coming back