My flaws aren’t as subtle as some others
It’s obvious that I rarely stop moving
That I can’t sit still or stand still as easily as others
That while I’m at attention I can’t stop twisting my body and then getting back into the right place
It’s obvious that I have some trouble with people
I either hate you or love you there is no in between
And rudeness is a given sometimes even though I try my best to be kind
The way I dress is hideous three fourths of the time
I can’t hear myself speak sometimes so I yell in people's ears by accident
Or I start suttering my words
I am clumsy
I can’t go five seconds without falling or tripping
My voice can’t decide what to do, if it wants to be English or Irish or high or low
I love writing but I can’t seem to finish a book
I always seem to screw up when it comes to people
I am always doing something
I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut
I rarely do my homework on time
I am very freaking needy
I can’t go an hour without talking or texting someone
And after that my brain decides to go from Halloween to horrible cramps and complaining to I should paint my nails
Cause that makes freaking sense brain!
But the thing is while most people see these as flaws
I see them as traits
Flaws are ierealitve
They don’t exist
They are a concept we’ve made up
So people keep on going counting my flaws
My inability to grow up, my inability to actually do good on a test
I keep counting my traits
My confidence, my ability to sing and make people laugh
Because my flaws aren’t real
They are a part of me
And parts live and die
One day maybe I won’t be clumsy
Maybe I’ll have a family and won’t be like a little kid anymore
My traits make me, me
And I wouldn’t trade them for the world