You want me to tell you why I’m Flawless.
Flawless, having no errors or mistakes;
Deserving respect and admiration,
Not deviating from what is normal.
Flawless is an illusion, a construct of human imagination
The cold idea of perfection, no emotion, no life.
The notion that everything is precise, appealing, and symmetric
No chaos or confusion, only patterns and peace
Reality, existence, humanity in itself can never be Flawless
Even at the molecular level, the very particles of our selves
There are mistakes, there are additions and deletions, making us unique
From our DNA to our bodies to our raw emotions-
Chapped lips, tiny hands, small stature
My flaws are natural, human.
More important to me than my strength
They have made me stronger than any of my natural talents or possessions.
My flaws are not damage to repair in a rundown house
But rather human architecture telling tales of my past.
My flaws are not some shameful beast to be kept from the light
Trapped by the idea of Flawless, burdens for me to bear
Hidden by staged smiles in public
Something to dwell on when I’m alone
Festering in the prison of my insecurity.
Instead, display my demons, set them free
Lift their shrouded cages from my chest
Release them from the shackles of Flawless
I will walk hand in hand with my sorrows
Embrace them like the Prodigal son
Learn to love my own flaws the way no one else will.
How dare you ask me to convey myself as Flawless?
Would you strip me of my past and of my body?
Erase both the negative things and the positive?
Society tells me that flaws are wrong, that to be the best you have to be perfect
You tell me I am already Flawless, perfect no matter what
You are both wrong.
Yes, I am flawed. I am confident, talented, smart, happy, and also flawed.
My flaws are important, my flaws make me who I am.
Flaws are not always detrimental
“Flawless” always is.