The Flaw in Flawless
So many expectations
To be perfect
Be flawless
Meaning unimaginable
In any shape or form
Overused, perhaps
As a hyperbole
As Inigo pointed out.
Yet flawless is just that
Perfection unachievable,
Truly unimaginable.
Because there’s always something
Some tiny speck
That could be found better.
Flawlessness is illogical,
However, somehow, some concept of the word exists.
And those that are
So self-absorbed
May use it to describe
The very selves they present every day.
Flawless is a lie,
An idea that cannot exist
Beyond the realm of what we think it could be
Untruthful by the fact that
There are imperfections in everything,
Even in our concept of
Using it is a lie
To ourselves and others
Giving us another flaw along with the rest.
Flawless is a term used for insecurity
Those that must over-exult themselves
To make themselves feel good,
Flawless is a broken word
Because nothing can ever make it true
Its own concept shattered by itself
Unrealistic expectations.
And thus, the word flawless is
In and of itself a flaw
And therefore, my refusal
To use such a term in my own insecurity
To have to make myself look better
To have to stand above the crowd
Is one of the things that makes me,
In the hyperbole of such a word,