Flannery ≠ Barbie
Suppose there exists a girl Barbie.
By the prevalence of reinforced gender roles in the gaming industry:
Barbie grows up clicking and dragging images of food and babies
Instead of developing her strategic thinking skills.
By the internalization of these gender roles:
1992 Barbie thinks that math class is tough
And begins to lose confidence in her own abilities.
By the self-fulfilling prophecy theory:
Barbie does not believe she has what it takes to be a computer engineer.
She limits herself to designing games for her more capable male friends to code.
By her ill-preparedness to cope with the Imposter Syndrome she develops:
Barbie asks her friends for help
And then takes credit for their work to mask her insecurities.
Hence, by the definition of harmful stereotypes:
Barbie has become the epitome of society’s image
Of a woman who tries to start a career in technology.
Now suppose there exists a girl Flannery.
Once again by the prevalence of reinforced gender roles in the gaming industry:
Flannery grows up playing the same games that Barbie did.
Also, by the internalization of these gender roles:
Flannery decides that she doesn’t like math
Even though she is pretty good at it.
However, by her high school’s required curriculum:
Flannery has to learn how to survive a pre-AP computer science course.
By her aversion to math:
Flannery decides to approach Java as if it were French or Spanish,
Making flashcards for the basic vocabulary
And focusing on how the structure of a statement creates meaning.
By the transitive property:
Flannery starts applying this idea to math,
Viewing the numbers, variables and operations as the components of a language
And seeing beauty in it for the first time.
By the realization that she has the capacity to understand complex ideas:
Flannery signs up for three more years of computer science
And starts competing.
By the mere exposure effect:
Flannery learns how to cope with the “dudebros,”
Sporting fedoras and male privilege,
Who make snap judgements about her at competitions.
Hence, by the definition of reality:
Flannery starts to embody the spirit of real women in technology.
Therefore, by the definition of inequality:
Flannery is not equal to Computer Engineer Barbie.
Quod erat demonstrandum.