First-World Problems
I look up from the phone wher I argue
My pitiful pleas for help, just for one chance
Needing something, anything to drop some life
Into my hand to let me live
But Mr. Operator tells me he can't do anything
Else by talking to me, he hangs up the phone
All everyone want in my world is money
To think, to see, to dream, to believe
Because our black books, cold from idleness in desk drawers
Cannot give us back our humanity
No abstract dream can become concrete reality
No hope and faith can turn into certainty
Without that thin piece of paper telling us that
The man has fainlly under-paid us our over-working dues
Yet the child in hunger still waits in line
The woman heavy with child prays for sanctuary
The man without a home still shivers in the cold
And the only thing on my mind is what to do
To hustle and live my life
Free in paper chains.