The orange and yellow flames
Burn inside my brain
I can't forget
The way you used to say my name
The fire from inside me
You had a first glimpse
But I guess what you saw
You didn't agree
With this fire burning inside me
I tried to convince you to stay
You said you couldn't be with me
I called out your name
And then you were gone
As if blown away with the wind
Washed away with the tide
And to this day I still call out your name
I stand by the sea
The wind blowing against me
My hair flying around me
You're gone
Suddenly this flame inside me is blazing
Why couldn't you just see
That there was good inside me
I scream out your name
I am dazed
I pull my hair
My voice is hoarse
I cannot forget the way
You would say my name
Or the way your lips felt on my
Come back to me
I cannot breathe
The sea surrounding me
Is black, black as can be
Just like your eyes
I'm swaying
The water beating against me
Shocking cold
This flame inside me is burning\
I can't forget you
I throw my hands into the sky
"Please just come back to me!"
My screams surround me
They can't be heard above the roar of the sea
The sea
My love is the sea
An infinite, vast body of moving emotions
It's everything that it needs to be
Why can't you love me!
What did I do?
What did I say?
This flame inside me
Is stronger than you could possibly think
Fire, it burns inside my brain
It hurts, everytime I hear your name
Yet in darkness while I lay
I can't help but whisper your name
The pain, the burning flooding through me
As I say
"Please come back to me"
This fire within me
Burns brighter than the sun
It burns
It longs
For you to be with me
Only you
Can tame this fire in me