Finding What I'm Looking For
Longing for love and soar for attention
i was put on the street without my election
This isn't the worst , it's actually quite nice
At "home" I was eating crap and felt like ice
But wait1 What's this?
You want a dog? Look! Take me!
Wait, I'll even give you a kiss!
Get off me you mutt!
Did you hear me?! Did I stut?
The lady screamed and kicked
I tried to tell her it was only a lick
and the next thing I know
i can't breath and I'm dragging through snow
Suddenly the world goes black
and I hear other victims beginning to yack.
What's going on, have i gone blind I wonder
Maybe I can escape I ponder
And suddenly the world comes into veiw
And for moments things seem askew
Then I knew
I no longer need be blue