Finding Home
Too many times have I heard people say
"I wish I did that"
I was one of them
Always wishing but never doing
A problem that led me in circles
So many times I became dizzy with apathy
Wishing it would all go away
Until one day I found the answer to my problems
They were right there in front of me
Sitting under my nose, next to the pile of Legos
My own two hands
The tool most overlooked by too many
The same tool I learned to master with years of training
They learned to draw, build, color, write and any fundamental you can imagine
But since they found engineering design
I was unable to see what came next.
They drove me down corridors unknown,
Not only shaping what I did
But who I was
Who I would become.
I finally let my heart decide
And it navigated me well
It took me to the front door of my being
With design as my key
I opened the door
Colors soon began to fill my home
The walls splashed with inspiration
The hallways decorated with ideas
The locked rooms filled with potential and
Me standing at the foot of the steps,
My new home awaited
I searched each unlocked room,
Finding people inside each one
Holding maps to the locked rooms
And with words powered by belief they said,
maybe not in these exact terms:
"We beleive in you."
Along this journey I developed a new dream
To spread happiness through my work
Through every product, design, layout, and model I made
It would be to benefit a cause.
Now I look to my hands
To guide my way,
Through uncertainty and excitement
I know they will take me far.
The question is: