Film Noir
I think about you sometimes,
Your laughter, your smile
The fun times we had together before the fall
Maybe we could have worked out
Your fire was too hot for my ice
My scarred hands were dangerous to your soft touch
I left blisters in my wake
And you tried to survive
When we would talk i felt like a bug under a microscope
The scrutinizing look in your eyes
The way you would angle your face towards mine
I was never sure how to act
There were times when my heart would clench
I could not tell if it was from your proximity
Or the guilt i felt from keeping you trapped
I pulled at my heartstrings
There was no way to stop it
Hearts are gross to look at
But they do so much for your body
And they supply you with love
falling out of love was like falling from grace
Now I am confined to the cold realm of the Underworld
The darkness grips at my soul
Like the clutch of a raven’s talon,
I feel coldness