Fighting For My Brother
From the moment I left
The dark tight womb
I was brought into a world
Full of colorless hues
People would fight
People would cry
Some people
Would just mysteriously die
But I saw something better
Something no one can know
I saw the light
A brilliant glow
Following the voice
Of truth and integrity
It led me to serenity
It was brilliant and flavorful
Until I saw it all fall
When my brother was born
The angel of death appeared
I was scared
I had fear
The nurses fought hard
The doctors frantically moved
But to me
It was just like slow mo
I saw him cry
In pain and in fear
I broke down crying
Because I saw his tears
I looked at my mother
As she stared at him
Then I saw his angel
Protecting with all their whim
I joined sides with the angel
Fought hard and long
Soon death was gone
I grew up fast
To care for him
But even losing my childhood
Was worth every min
I saw the truth
In that angel's eyes
And I knew from then on
That it was my guide
I want to take care of
The ones that need my help
And I also want to see
The illness scream "YELP!"
Because of my brother
I strive to be great
To pursue in nursing
And death to be draped