I am, a fighter.
With every scar, and every voice in my head,
I was told that I would never make it.
I was told, "college is for the smart ones."
With every path I built for myself,
someone came along and burned it down.
From a little child, I was broken from within.
Pushed, shoved, and shot by hate.
But I didnt give up because,
I am, a fighter.
The past three years, have been a wild ride.
I left home, and started fresh on my own.
The voices, the hands, the pain was too much.
I slowly felt myself slipping into sadness,
and believing the lies I was told.
I am not worthless.
I am not stupid.
I am not a joke.
I am better than that.
I am a survivor.
I am a lover.
I am, a fighter.
Since I was a kid, it's always been,
"Fag's go to hell."
Or the simple, "gays are of the devil."
Being spit in my face by the homophobes,
shoved into walls, and hit by the hatefull.
So many times theres been,
where someone tries to, "pray the gay out of me."
So many times theres been,
where someone tries to rebuke my sins.
So many times theres been,
where they tell me to kill myself.
Because that's all I have coming to me.
That's all faggots are supposed to do.
They are a waste of space, a waste of time.
They are worthless.
But I didn't listen, and I picked myself up.
I am a lover.
I am not a hater.
I am persistant.
I am a hard worker.
Because I am, a fighter.