This Feeling
"This Feeling"..
What is this feeling?
What is this feeling I feel?
This feeling, this emotion... consumes me..
It engulfs me as its prisoner, without relent or remorse..
It is like a tide that never stops destroying anything and everything in its path..
It consumes me to the point where I feel there is no hope, no relent, and no way out...
No matter what I do, I can't escape it..
It is like your shadow, It follows you throughout your life, no matter what..
As if a step behind you..
Better yet it is like another half of me, but different
The same kind of views but with different pasts
One new improved and insightful, the other anger, frustration, hatred, and anxiety..
I try and I try but still i get nowhere..
It is as if I take 2 steps forward to take 7 steps backwards
I've come to realize I can not escape it. It is me, it is me..
There is nothing I can do to escape it
For it will never leave
It is truly my shadow and my other half
For I can not escape my past...