
As soon as the candle is blown out,
The monsters appear.
As soon as one hears a faint shout,
The apparitions are near.
Stabbed into the brain,
Paranoia is the spear.
“Big Brother is watching”,
I control what you see, think and hear.
Hear it with your eyes and see it with your ears.
However, the dogs can smell it on you, look at them sneer.
You can try to wipe it off your face, but it’s already smeared.
Attempting to annihilate the problem, but afraid you’ll be the one to disappear.
So make an escape, scurry back to the rear.
Afraid that everyone and yourself has their eyes on you.
House of Mirrors.
“To be or not to be”, please be sincere.
That is not the question, but here it is: What is fear¿
Is it cowardice, an emotion, something that should be sheared?
Being scared of something that may not even appear?
Is it possible to face these qualms, take the wheel and steer?
Just follow Eminem, “I’m Not Afraid”… Do I make myself clear?


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