Family Should- A poem about why I couldn't live without my family
Family should make you feel like you can conquer the world
Family should wipe away your tears
Family should uplift you when you're down
Family should vanquish all your fears
Family should sing you to sleep when you have a nightmare
Family should make you feel safe and warm
Family should tell you that they'll always be there
Family should care about you
Family should support you in all your dreams
Family should be dependable and concrete
Family should tease you and make you laugh
Family should be honest and sweet
Family should keep all their promises
Family should try to make you smile at the end of every day
Family should be kind and fair
Family should trust that there will always be a way
Family should never let you stray
Family should accept you as you are
Family should love you and your flaws
A family's love should reach you no matter how far.