Falling In Love

First it’s just a flutter

You feel it in your stomach

Then it becomes a fire

Burning brighter each day


You wake up thinking of him

His smile and his eyes

You go to sleep dreaming of him

His love and his loyalty


He makes you smile

When rain clouds you

He makes you laugh

When you’re scared


You can’t help but include him

Saying his name all the time

You can’t help but think about him

Thoughts of wonder and delight


You’re slowing growing closer

Becoming more attracted

A feeling you’ve never had before

You’re steadily falling in love


Love hits you when you least expect it

Making your heart beat faster

Love shows itself to be beautiful

Causing your breath to quicken


To fall in love is to choose a certain person

To fall in love is to find a happiness so pure

You fall in love with his smile and laugh

You fall in love with his comfort and care


You fell in love yesterday

You are together today

You hold tight to him for tomorrow

Falling in love is inevitable


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