Fall Beneath Your Sword And Watch Me Wallow In The Pain You Beat Into Me
A shroud of joy outside the leather
The pain of heart, no pain of pleasure
Make due with lemons sour as words
Of why my skins red, I am not sure
I didn't it do it...well not the physical side
I guess in false actions blunt trauma to hide
Hide broken and bleeding with fog in sight
Hide away from the hand struck face every night
Under the curtain of midnight it sleeps
The monster who says it's love, but then treats
Your wounds that you made with your own mistakes
But not by pain if which it takes
To silence screams and fake a smile
Making those who care stick around for a while
And a haunted house heart that's cold to the touch
Doesn't love as love should be as much
As is wanted and needed in desperation call
To become more fatal butterflies as cacoon falls
From its perch, dead caterpillar before blossom
We call the last dead child because somewhere we lost them
In every lash and attack and breaking of ties
The love that you spew is all just your lies
I have done nothing so why does it hurt?
Because someone else found a reason to treat me as dirt
Stepped on and kicked and only looking to avoid
Keep pestering your every move until your annoyed
And I, the dirt, left to drift down the drain
Let the blood I have shed be the everlong rain
And the blood from my nose, you made with your hand
With every slap and every demand
I declare death upon me by my wrist to my throat
To cry maroon anguish as a dull razor chokes
My breathing in drowning and falling in darkness
For I did not have the power to harness
The belief inside emergency that I am worth more
Because I am a dead man walking, another ones chore
A nuisance, an annoyance, a constant reminder
That I'm a mistake, and you are a liar
For if I am loved than why do I hurt
Why is it every time I can't work
Out the problems like an adult I am beaten
Tired of the way that I am always treated
To drown in the red sea blood vessel pure
Then to die on the inside of bullets made with sugar I endure.
NOTE: I am perfectly fine. This was purely for the sake of a cause and awareness. Some people overthink so I felt it best to put a disclaimer. Thank you!