The Facade Drips Away
All day long I keep my composure
Strong, witty, quiet and no closer
To saying what needs to be said-
Right now, my insides are dead
But once I am alone I am resurrected
No longer needing to be accepted
As one of the sheep, not needing to obey
And at last the facade drips away
I can frown without question
Simply allow it to be a reflection
Of my soul in this very moment
I don’t need anyone’s silly condolence
Or maybe I’ll smile
If just for a while
But it’ll be the truest grin
For in it there will be no hidden sin
Perhaps I will sing
My voice worse than a bee sting
But why would I worry?
I’ll be the only soul to hear this story
It matters not what I’ll do
Only that when I’m alone it is true
There is no mask for me to see through