The Fabric of Time
Now, allow me to hypothesize or really just sympathize
with the people who have yet to understand the fabric of time,
I will do my best to publicize, this in a civilized manor,
and make an attempt to leave out all of the clamor,
so let’s just leave out the glamour and begin to chatter,
I simply want you to listen while I ramble like the mad hatter, it’s a matter,
of perspective, when you are attempting to find a solution to any objective,
it’s very selective, the views that are collected and accepted
but for a vast majority they’re theory is rejected,
how could this be? If we see, ourselves as so open minded, then why do we
disapprove the views that someone may or may not have put time in,
like the original sin, the religious have put so much time in it
but haven’t seemed to find, let alone abide by a set of rules
to which all can comply, on, it’s a new dawn,
how people’s words continue to ramble on and on
whether it’s the teachings of the Koran or the savagery of Genghis Khan
they were all just pawns, now,
I bet your wondering,
what does any of this have to do with the stunning
or otherwise uncovering of the fabric of time,
but really it’s more than just time itself,
more than the contents of a bookshelf, the math, the science, the geography,
yes it’s all part of the cartography, whether it be the map of the world
or the stars, time involves more than just what they are,
it’s everything in between, the dead and the unseen,
the living, the end to the beginning,
it involves all of the wars to even the singing,
I previously called them pawns for a reason,
cause time as whole includes every aspect of every season,
now I may not know let alone understand the extensive comprehension, needed
to fully take hold of the way our world was invented,
but what I do know is this, time is of four letters,
in Latin aetas is five, and in Greek chronos is six,
although in sequence they all mean the same, a cultures way of saying time
in a different way, and no matter what attempts we make
to control, regulate, or interpret this complex aspect of life,
it’s everlasting flow and existence far surpasses anything that resides,
with it being our only true unit of measure,
it makes it one of the few true treasures, cause it seems for an instant,
that things tend to dwell from the words we spell to the stories we tell,
and even the morning dew smell, when it’s in comparison to aetas
it all seems futile flowing as seemingly endless as the nile,
thus, unless someone or something were to change us,
our knowledge will continue to stand still,
only able to expand to that of free will,
yeah we’ve learned a lot and discovered much,
but how can we understand time when over half of our world is still untouched,
in the end whether we learn comes to this,
we must comprehend all that dwells within,
cause we will never see beyond the abyss, if we lack the ability to dismiss,
all that we knew and all that we think we’ve missed.